Friday, June 1, 2012

So, yeah... this month has been so busy and changy that I don't love all of the pictures I have taken. I know, the word slacker comes to my mind too. hahahaha!  For those of you that know me personally, I have been getting ready to send my girls to live with their daddy and step-mommy for the summer.  It's a good thing for everyone, but at the same time incredibly hard.  I would love prayers for all of us as we spend this time, for them adjusting to being a family of four for two months, and for me learning to enjoy the time and freedom this allows me so I can welcome them home rejuvenated and refreshed!

Four Legs
Comfort... she was soooo sick.
Self Portrait-Look in his glasses! :D

Mother's Day - My girls made these for me for Mother's Day!

 Link Up!!!!  The June list will be posted soon!!!


  1. Love the dandelions! We thought a lot the same this month. :)

  2. My favorites are four legs and self-portrait..great job!

  3. I really liked the self portrait. Poor Sylaris didn't look really happy or feeling good at all. Glad she is better.

  4. Nice pics, Shannie. I like "Four Legs" and your freebies. The approach you took in terms of angle on "Four Legs" is creative. Also, the one of the girl on the swing is cool. I love the expression you captured here. And on the one of the dandelions, I think the heavy grain, coloring, texture, and composition makes for a very tangible and striking photo. Awesome work as usual!! :)
